"This assessment and feedback is more positive than previous ones…previous feedback about cognition or personality pretty much just told me who I am. With this I feel like the sky is the limit because it integrates many components."
Our products are proven valid and reliable tools for measuring the competence of an organization’s leaders. Our reports give managers a comprehensive picture of “where we are today” and a means of measuring improvement as they acquire new skills.
For individuals, our products provide:
- A comprehensive understanding of their own personality and behavioral patterns
- Insight into how these attributes affect their judgment and ability to lead others
- The ability to see how their own behavior and abilities fit in the context of their team and the organization
- Specific, actionable direction for improving their own thinking and behavior
- Awareness and encouragement that motivates participants to want to improve
- Follow-up that allows individuals to measure their improvement
For the organization, we help drive:
- Improved decision making that leads to better bottom-line performance, measurable at both the individual and group level
- More engaged, functional, and productive teams
- Better listening and communication throughout the organization
- Greater trust and confidence in management
- Increased respect for others, leading to greater employee buy-in
- An awareness of events that trigger uncertainty in managers, which can then be minimized through structural changes or education
- An understanding of what effective leadership means in the context of the specific organization
+1 888 316 8307